Wednesday 29 October 2014

Caen Hill to Bradford-on-Avon

Well after much anticipation I finally reached Caen Hill flight.  The flight begins with a small group of 6, spread over half a mile, followed by the dramatic flight of 16 locks one after another and then a final 7 spread over a further mile or so making a total of 29 and dropping the boat some 237 feet.  The trip was delayed a day as the engine overheated causing me not a little concern. Thankfully it was just a leaking joint which I quickly repaired and she was soon running smoothly once again. However, it was now too late to tackle the flight before sunset. I set off around 7:30 the next morning, my body clock still running on British summer time, and quickly cleared the first group of six and arrived at the top of the iconic flight a little after 8:30. It really does appear that you are about to cruise off the edge of the world as the ground falls away in front of you.

The view is quite spectacular, this was taken from the 4th lock with a further 12 ahead.

Just under 4 hrs later around Noon I reached the foot of the main flight, they look much better looking back but of course I do have to make the return journey one day.

I moored up after completing the final 7 locks and took a well earned shower and and large G&T, I'm still treating that cold.

Tuesday morning arrived in a blaze of sunshine and the temperature quickly rose to an unseasonably warm 20c.  I was soon reduced to a T shirt and considering getting my shorts out.

I spent a leisurely morning cruising gently though more of the lovely countryside in this area which was benefiting from the bright sun bringing out the beautiful Autumn shades of reds and yellows. While I like to see the green shades of Spring marking the start of the warmer weather I must admit that I much prefer the fiery colours of Autumn.

And to make my day I finally managed to take a photo of a kingfisher after many years of trying.

Shortly after Noon I reached Bradford-on-Avon, my destination for the day.  I have not visited before and look forward to exploring for a day or two before moving ever Westward.

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