It's been a while since I updated the blog. Partly as I was ashore for a couple of weeks in August for my son's wedding, a fantastic day, and partly as the return journey to the marina was uneventful and I was feeling decidedly below par. I'm now feeling much better and decided to take the boat out for a few days on the river Nene. I set off from Oundle marina this morning in glorious sunshine and blue skies and headed down stream towards Peterborough. As I left Oundle marina the river takes a large loop around the town and after an hour and two locks I'm only half a mile from the marina as the crow flies.
Leaving Oundle |
The river passes through open filed on the left and is edged with trees on the right. It being Sunday there were plenty of fishermen along the banks.
More unusual was the lone female swimmer. Thankfully the bright orange floating bag made her easy to spot and avoid.
A mad woman swimming in October. |
The bridge over the river at Wansford is very pretty and much better than the more modern concrete slabs that often cross the river.
Wansford bridge |
The orange float is a good idea, I met three chaps swimming downstream on a bend in the middle of the river a bit further up from there